Rick Gervasio Pleasure Horses
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Latest News 2011

WELCOME TO MARGARET McKNIGHT KARRH and GULFWIND MORGANS! Margaret and her family are well known for their World Champion western pleasure horses like Gulfwind Sir William, so we are thrilled that she has chosen us to train her lovely RighteousGULFWIND HEARTS AFIRE (Smoke Signal x Gulfwind Wild Solotaire), a 5 year old bay mare. Hearts Afire is available for purchase and more information is available on our Sales page.

Welcome to MARILYN ESTEB of STONE PINE FARM and MARY GEISLER of SPICEOLIFE MORGANS! Mary is a repeat client, but Marilyn is the new kid on the block, and together these astute ladies have bred a beautiful young stallion named RIGHTEOUS (SpiceOLife Right Answer x Arboria Mystique), pictured at left. Just a four year old fresh out of the pasture, Righteous arrived in December and has quickly learned his ABC's. He has been the talk of the town this winter and we're anxious to take him to his first horse show.Graywood's Belinda Breeze

CONGRATULATIONS to Lilly Ann Hansing of Edmond, OK on her purchase of RESERVE WORLD CHAMPION GRAYWOOD'S BELINDA BREEZE! This happy young lady will be showing Belinda in Junior Exhibitor Western Pleasure and Walk-Jog Western Pleasure under the direction of new trainer and agent Susan Morey of Hallmark Farm. We can't wait to cheer them on!

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